How to Move Product-Customization Text Fields After Product-Variants in Prestashop 8.1.5?
Image by Arliss -

How to Move Product-Customization Text Fields After Product-Variants in Prestashop 8.1.5?

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In Prestashop 8.1.5, product-customization text fields and product-variants are displayed in a specific order by default. However, you may want to modify this order to improve the user experience or to comply with your e-commerce store’s layout. In this article, we will guide you through the process of moving product-customization text fields after product-variants in Prestashop 8.1.5.

Step 1: Override the Product Template

To achieve this customization, you need to override the product template file. Create a new file named `product.tpl` in the `themes/your_theme/modules/ps_productcomments/views/templates/front` directory.

Copy the Original Code

Copy the original code from the `modules/ps_productcomments/views/templates/front/product.tpl` file and paste it into your newly created file.

Step 2: Modify the Template Code

Locate the section of code that displays the product-customization text fields and product-variants. The code should look similar to this:

<!-- Product customization -->
<div class="product-customization">
    <!-- Your customization text fields code here -->

<!-- Product variants -->
<div class="product-variants">
    <!-- Your product variants code here -->

Swap the order of these two sections of code to move the product-customization text fields after the product-variants:

<!-- Product variants -->
<div class="product-variants">
    <!-- Your product variants code here -->

<!-- Product customization -->
<div class="product-customization">
    <!-- Your customization text fields code here -->

Step 3: Clear the Cache and Test

Clear the Prestashop cache to ensure that the changes take effect. Go to the Prestashop back office, navigate to Advanced Parameters > Performance, and click the Clear cache button.

Test your product page to verify that the product-customization text fields are now displayed after the product-variants.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully move the product-customization text fields after the product-variants in Prestashop 8.1.5.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “How to move product-customization text fields after product-variants in Prestashop 8.1.5”:

Frequently Asked Question

Are you tired of dealing with messy product pages in Prestashop 8.1.5? Worry no more! We’ve got you covered. Below are the answers to your burning questions about moving product-customization text fields after product-variants.

Why do I need to move product-customization text fields after product-variants?

Moving product-customization text fields after product-variants enhances user experience by making it clear what customization options are available for each variant. It also helps to reduce confusion and errors during the checkout process.

How do I access the file that controls the product page layout in Prestashop 8.1.5?

You can access the file by going to the Prestashop back office, then clicking on “Design” > “Theme Editor” and selecting the theme you’re using. From there, navigate to the “templates” folder and open the “product.tpl” file.

What code changes do I need to make to move the product-customization text fields after product-variants?

You’ll need to move the `{foreach from=$fields item=field}…{/foreach}` loop that generates the customization text fields to below the `{foreach from=$combinations item=combination}…{/foreach}` loop that generates the product variants. Don’t forget to update the CSS to reflect the new layout!

Will making these changes affect the functionality of my Prestashop store?

No, making these changes will not affect the functionality of your Prestashop store. However, it’s always a good idea to test your store thoroughly after making any changes to ensure everything is working as expected.

Are there any other layout customizations I can make to enhance the user experience of my Prestashop store?

Absolutely! You can also consider moving the product description below the product variants, adding a “Quantity” field next to each variant, or even creating a custom layout for mobile devices. The possibilities are endless!