Can we call the respective original function with parameters automatically from proxy class in C++?
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Can we call the respective original function with parameters automatically from proxy class in C++?

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In the world of C++ programming, sometimes we need to create a proxy class that can call the original function with parameters automatically. But, can we do it? The answer is yes, and in this article, we’ll explore how to achieve this feat.

What is a Proxy Class?

A proxy class is a design pattern that acts as an intermediate between a client and a real object. It provides a surrogate or placeholder for another object to control access to it. In C++, we can create a proxy class to delegate calls to the original object.

Why Do We Need a Proxy Class?

There are several reasons why we need a proxy class:

  • Lazy initialization: We can use a proxy class to delay the creation of an object until it’s actually needed.
  • Access control: A proxy class can restrict access to the original object or provide additional security checks.
  • Caching: We can use a proxy class to cache the results of an expensive operation.
  • Logging and debugging: A proxy class can log or debug calls to the original object.

Creating a Proxy Class in C++

To create a proxy class in C++, we need to define a class that has the same interface as the original class. The proxy class will contain a pointer to the original object and delegate calls to it.

class Original {
    void doSomething(int x, int y) {
        std::cout << "Original::doSomething(" << x << ", " << y << ")" << std::endl;

class Proxy {
    Original* original;

    Proxy(Original* original) : original(original) {}

    void doSomething(int x, int y) {
        original->doSomething(x, y);

In the above example, we have an `Original` class with a `doSomething` method that takes two `int` parameters. We then create a `Proxy` class that has the same `doSomething` method. The `Proxy` class contains a pointer to the `Original` object and delegates calls to it.

Calling the Original Function with Parameters Automatically

Now, let’s address the main question: Can we call the respective original function with parameters automatically from the proxy class in C++? The answer is yes, using the magic of variadic templates and parameter packs.

template<typename... Args>
class Proxy {
    Original* original;

    Proxy(Original* original) : original(original) {}

    template<typename... Args>
    void doSomething(Args... args) {

In the above example, we’ve modified the `Proxy` class to use variadic templates and parameter packs. The `doSomething` method now takes a variable number of arguments using the `Args…` syntax. We then use the `args…` syntax to forward the arguments to the original object’s `doSomething` method.

How Does it Work?

The magic happens when we use the `doSomething` method with multiple arguments. The `Args…` syntax allows the method to take a variable number of arguments, which are then forwarded to the original object’s `doSomething` method using the `args…` syntax.

Proxy proxy(new Original());
proxy.doSomething(1, 2, 3); // Output: Original::doSomething(1, 2, 3)
proxy.doSomething("hello", 4.5); // Output: Original::doSomething(hello, 4.5)

In the above example, we create a `Proxy` object and call the `doSomething` method with different arguments. The `Proxy` class automatically forwards the arguments to the original object’s `doSomething` method.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Using a proxy class with variadic templates and parameter packs has several advantages:

  • Flexibility: The proxy class can handle any number and type of arguments.
  • Type safety: The compiler will ensure that the correct number and types of arguments are passed to the original object’s method.
  • Readability: The code is easy to read and understand.

However, there are also some disadvantages:

  • Complexity: The use of variadic templates and parameter packs can add complexity to the code.
  • Performance overhead: The proxy class may introduce a small performance overhead due to the additional layer of indirection.


In conclusion, we can definitely call the respective original function with parameters automatically from a proxy class in C++. By using variadic templates and parameter packs, we can create a flexible and type-safe proxy class that can delegate calls to the original object with any number and type of arguments.

Best Practices

When using a proxy class, keep the following best practices in mind:

  1. Keep it simple: Avoid over-engineering the proxy class. Keep it simple and focused on a specific task.
  2. Use meaningful names: Choose meaningful names for the proxy class and its methods to avoid confusion.
  3. Document the code: Document the code to ensure that others understand the purpose and behavior of the proxy class.

By following these best practices and using a proxy class with variadic templates and parameter packs, you can create a robust and flexible solution that meets your needs.

Keyword Description
Proxy class A design pattern that acts as an intermediate between a client and a real object.
Variadic templates A feature in C++11 that allows functions and classes to take a variable number of arguments.
Parameter packs A feature in C++11 that allows functions and classes to expand a parameter pack into a comma-separated list.

This article has covered the topic of creating a proxy class in C++ that can call the respective original function with parameters automatically. By using variadic templates and parameter packs, we can create a flexible and type-safe solution that meets our needs. Remember to keep it simple, use meaningful names, and document the code to ensure maintainability and readability.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unleash the power of proxy classes in C++! Let’s dive into the world of function calls and parameter passing.

Can we call the original function with parameters from a proxy class directly in C++?

Yes, we can! In C++, you can use a proxy class to call the original function with parameters using a technique called “perfect forwarding”. This allows the proxy class to forward the arguments to the original function, ensuring that the correct parameters are passed.

How do we implement perfect forwarding in a proxy class?

To implement perfect forwarding, you’ll need to use universal references (rvalue references) and the `std::forward` function. This allows the proxy class to capture the original function’s parameters and forward them correctly, preserving their value category (lvalue or rvalue).

Can we use a proxy class to call an original function with a variable number of parameters?

Absolutely! You can use variadic templates to create a proxy class that can handle a variable number of parameters. By using parameter packs and fold expressions, you can implement a proxy class that can forward an arbitrary number of arguments to the original function.

What are some common use cases for proxy classes in C++?

Proxy classes are commonly used in C++ for various purposes, such as logging, caching, AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming), and to implement the Decorator pattern. They can also be used to add additional functionality to an existing class without modifying its implementation.

Are there any performance implications of using a proxy class to call the original function?

In most cases, the performance impact of using a proxy class is negligible. The C++ compiler is able to optimize the proxy class’s calls to the original function, removing any unnecessary overhead. However, it’s essential to carefully design and implement the proxy class to avoid introducing unnecessary indirections or bottlenecks.